Pre-Sloped Channels

First Polymer Concrete channel with built-in 2.5% slope

ULMA pre-sloped channel are the only ones on the market with a real slope of 2.5% which provide greater hydraulic capacity and resolve the slope limitations that can be found in some places.

Pre-sloped channels



Advantages of pre-sloped channels

Savings in product and installation costs.

The built-in slope speeds up water flow, allowing smaller channels to handle as much water as larger ones.  It drains up to 100 l/s in 20 ml, according to a study by the UPC (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya).

Savings in installation time and building costs.

With the capability to install up to 40 linear meters in two 20-meter sections using a single water outlet, we efficiently drain extensive land areas and rain flows. This streamlined approach minimizes the number of outlet points, resulting in significant time and cost savings during installation.

Savings in cleaning and maintenance.

Thanks to the speed of the water travelling down the channel, it carries with it any sediment, such as dust or small stones, accumulated in the absence of rain. This built-in self-cleaning effect is only possible with the system's slope, significantly reducing the necessity for regular cleaning and maintenance. Moreover, it guarantees that the entire channel section remains in optimal condition, ensuring 100% efficiency in drainage.